Build relationships with 1 or 2 select recruitment companies that specialise in the area you work in. Take the time to meet with them. They will approach you with suitable roles when they come up. Many of these aren’t even advertised and you don’t have to do anything, just wait for the calls to come in! You do need to meet with them though, otherwise you will just be another person on a database and you are reliant on a skills match to get that call. Investing 2 hours of your time at the outset, will yield results long term.
Stop wasting time with lengthy online applications. These are really time consuming and often, I hear candidates complain that they never hear back. Instead, approach a recruitment or HR manager via a site like LinkedIn and make your application personal. You will save time with the online applications, for roles that may not even be open, and ensure your application reaches the right person.
For jobs in cyber, visit BeecherMadden’s website.