by Karla Reffold / on 17 April, 2017
Top questions for technical candidates
Technical job interviews might not just focus on your technical skills and experience. Be prepared to answer or ask, questions that focus on other skills too. One of my top questions is “how have you built relationships with your business stakeholders?” The
by Karla Reffold / on 24 March, 2017
Advice to prospective business owners
I wish I had known that you wouldn’t be able to keep everyone happy and that’s OK. If you are going to get the best deal from a supplier, they may not like you. And not all your staff will stay, or be on
by Karla Reffold / on 17 March, 2017
How to explain a gap on your resume
Be honest, list any skills you gained from it and explain why you are now ready to re-enter the workforce. If you took time out to care for a sick relative, you could say that you gained skills in co-ordinating care appointments and increased
by Karla Reffold / on 24 February, 2017
My favourite business quote
Don’t throw stones at every dog that barks It is my favourite sales and business quote. In sales, there is always a new market or new angle that you can pursue but the way to be successful is to become an expert in
by Karla Reffold / on 10 February, 2017
How can men support women in tech?
Men need to acknowledge that there is a problem; once that happens we can start to change the problems women in tech face. I often speak on women in cyber security and i am always met with comments from men who tell me
by Karla Reffold / on 24 January, 2017
Unexpected lessons from starting a business
Be prepared to face some criticism that you have to ignore. Not everyone will understand your decisions, maybe because they don’t have all the facts, don’t agree or don’t understand the pressures that come with a start-up. Worse than being criticised is not always
by Karla Reffold / on 17 January, 2017
Tips for conducting a better interview
Conducting a good quality interview can help you hire the right employee and avoid making an expensive mistake. Even if it doesn’t change your decision, being a good interviewer can make sure the person you want, wants you! Listen to the answers –
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